Section 1: ZkEVM Overview

zkEVM Rollup and zkVM (Zero Knowledge Virtual Machine) are key components in blockchain technology, especially in the application of scaling solutions and zero-knowledge proofs.

zkEVM is a special virtual machine that emulates the functionality of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) but adds the ability to perform zero-knowledge proofs. This means that transactions executed on zkEVM can generate zero-knowledge proofs proving the validity and correctness of the transaction without revealing the specific content of the transaction.

This design paradigm enables zkEVM to support decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other applications in the Ethereum ecosystem, while also providing additional privacy and security guarantees.

zkEVM uses advanced zero-knowledge techniques to create proofs of validity. It uses a zero-knowledge prover (zkProver) that is designed to run on any server and is designed to be compatible with most consumer hardware. Each aggregator will use this zkProver to verify batches and provide proof of validity.

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